It’s Buffalo Marathon weekend. Here’s what to know and where not to go

More than 6,000 runners are expected to trot through Buffalo’s streets Sunday for the races of the Buffalo Marathon. It’s the second year of relative normality for the city’s annual road race, which was canceled in 2020 due to Covid-19 and was mostly virtual in 2021.

The races โ€“ highlighted by a 26.2-mile marathon and a 13.1-mile half-marathon โ€“ attract thousands of spectators and supporters, boasts an entire weekend of mini events and celebrates a wide range of fitness levels. While all activities have been sold out for the last month, the marathon shuts down many city streets east of Richmond Avenue and west of Delaware Avenue.ย 

Feel-good stories and heroics abound every year, too. Last year, 35-year-old Lucas McAneney pushed his then-2-year-old son Sutton in a stroller and won the race.

Lucas McAneney won last Sunday’s marathon, though technically he was a couple of feet behind his son who was in a running stroller.ย 

Marathon must-knows: In terms of the 26.2-mile race, little has changed for 2023. The starting gun will sound for the marathon, half marathon and marathon relay at 6:30 a.m. Sunday from the intersection of Delaware Avenue and West Huron Street, but the starting corral opens an hour earlier at Niagara Square. The race packet encourages parking…

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