Newfane Library announces resignations, temporary closing

The Newfane Library’s director, several of its paid staff and more than half of its board of trustees have resigned, according to information culled from its website. 

The resignations of Board President Kelly Artieri, Vice President Mickie Kramp, Vice President of Finance Cindy Ames and Board Member Carolyn Larkin were announced in a letter posted Tuesday by the board of trustees on the library’s website and its Facebook page. That leaves only three remaining members: Kim Chenez, Sue Kasprzk and Christine Wright.

“The remaining board members are dedicated to keeping the library open and safe to the public as we re-fill the board seats,” the letter from the board reads.

“State regulations governing libraries require us to hire a Library Director with specific education and training. The first order of business is to hire a new Library Director who will manage staffing,” the letter continued.

According to the minutes of its Feb. 6 meeting, the board also accepted the resignations of the library’s director, Sarah O’Shea; its library manager, Amy Wilt; and three library clerks, Emily Clark, Collette O’Connor and Phyllis Walker.

The resignations were accepted following an executive session by the board, and no reasons were given for the resignations.

Attempts to reach out to the remaining members of the board Thursday were unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, in its posted letter, the board also announced that, beginning March 1, the library will close temporarily to accommodate extensive renovations at the single-story building on Maple Avenue.   

“Some of these plans were scheduled in order to comply with State and Federal guidelines and have been in the works for quite some time. We are thrilled to have them finally begin!” the library board said.

The library is scheduled to reopen in April, though patrons are advised that construction timelines may be subject to change. The board said the community will be updated as work on the building…

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