Olmsted Parks Conservancy announces opposition to Kensington project

The Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy issued a stinging rebuke of the Kensington highway proposal this week in a letter to state transportation officials, opposing the $921.8-million plan to replicate a portion of the historic Frederick Law Olmsted-designed Humboldt Parkway by planting trees and grass atop a 3/4-mile-long tunnel.

In a letter obtained by The Buffalo News, the parks conservancy on Wednesday expressed its preference for restoring the full parkway, and called for a more comprehensive study to better evaluate health and other concerns associated with the project.

Differences of opinion were apparent in the first of two public meetings hosted Wednesday by the state Department of Transportation to share updates on the project.

The nonprofit parks group also asked that another agency lead the effort instead of the state Department of Transportation, which on Thursday extended the public comment period for the environmental assessment of the project two weeks, to Nov. 10.

โ€œViewing this as a highway project, only, is short-sighted and does not provide the comprehensive review necessary to determine how to best provide holistic transportation, community restoration and social justice remedies,โ€ said Beth Downing, the conservancyโ€™s interim executive…

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