Salamanca schools can keep nickname, use historic logo that honors Native heritage

The Seneca Nation of Indians supports the Salamanca City Central School District’s use of its Native American name, the Warriors, and its logo of an Indigenous man.

The New York State Board of Regents last month approved changes in regulations that that prohibit public schools from using Indigenous names, mascots and logos by June 30, 2025.

The Native American imagery must be eliminated by June 30, 2025, the New York State Board of Regents said.

But there was a provision that allows schools to do so when “culturally affiliated” with a federally recognized tribal nation within the state or a state-recognized tribal nation, if they have a written agreement.

“After lengthy internal discussion and feedback from Seneca community members, we have provided our support to the districtโ€™s request to continue using the Warriors nickname and logo,” Seneca President Rickey Armstrong Sr. said Wednesday in a statement.

The history of co-existence with Salamanca gave the Senecas “much to consider,” he said.

State tells school districts to end use of Native nicknames and logos ... or else

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