Putnam County switches EMS providers again

CARMEL – Putnam County has switched Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service provider mid-year after changing to a controversial new provider, Ambulnz, in January of 2022.  Empress Ambulance Services will be the ALS ambulance provider beginning on July 16, 2023, according to Putnam County Executive Kevin Byrne.

In January of 2022, Putnam County’s contract with Ambulnz to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service went into effect despite objections from several fire departments in the county and the head doctor of the emergency department at Vassar Brothers Medical Center.

Earlier this year Ambulnz requested a new contract be negotiated to provide ALS services for all of Putnam County after several first responders claimed that Ambulnz had significantly underbid its original contract.  The County agreed to entertain a new proposal but made it clear that they would open the process to competing proposals as well. 

Empress recently purchased Mobile Life Support Services, a longtime EMS provider in the Hudson Valley.  They were selected to be the Putnam County service provider following a competitive selection committee process following an open RFP (Request for Proposal). The scope of the new agreement was developed by the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, the County’s Purchasing Department, and individuals from the emergency services community, specifically members of the Emergency Services Safety Advisory Board (ESSAB) and EMS Council. Empress was chosen because they submitted the lowest responsible proposal, demonstrated an ability to implement services in a timely manner and have a direct knowledge of providing services in Putnam County. 

“This new agreement is a significant improvement and a win for county residents,” said Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services Commissioner Bob Lipton. In contrast to the approach taken by then County Executive Maryellen O’Dell, emergency responders were included in the…

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